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Wall Street Journal
(3084Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
1986 to the present.

Washlaw Web
This site is maintained by Washburn University Law Library.

Water Law & Policy Monitor
Provides information on water allocation, use, and management with news coverage, regulatory analysis, and access to primary resources

A collection of international agreements dealing with international water sources. By the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
Beginning with the change of administration in January 2009, the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents replaced the Weekly Compilation as the official publication of Presidential Documents.

West Tax Law Dictionary (2011)
(3084Hits)  (Password required)
This dictionary provides definitions of tax terms, words, and phrases, and has extensive cross-references. Appendixes include Summaries of Free Federal Tax Publication, Sources for Free Federal Tax Forms and Publications, Listings of Federal Tax Return Forms and Related Forms, and Listings of Federal Tax Forms Instructions. The dictionary can be accessed in print at Law Reference KF6287 .W473 2011 and on Westlaw (Westlaw password required).

West’s American Tribal Law Reporter - Westlaw
(4707Hits)  (Password required)
This Westlaw database has opinions issued by the tribal, appeals or supreme courts of American tribes as published in Wests American Tribal Law Reporter. Coverage begins in 1997.

(7178Hits)  (Password required)

Westlaw Arizona State and Local Taxes Database
(1214Hits)  (Password required)
This Westlaw database provides access to Arizona tax cases and rulings, statutes and regulations, and a variety of tax-specific secondary sources.

Westlaw Arizona Tax Form Finder
(1198Hits)  (Password required)
This Westlaw database provides access to Arizona tax forms.

Westlaw Family Law Database
(1204Hits)  (Password required)
This Westlaw database provides access to cases, statutes, regulations, and court rules related to family law, as well as a variety of family law secondary sources.

Westlaw Patron Access

Wharton’s Criminal Evidence
(Barbara E. Bergman and Nancy Hollander, Clark Boardman Callaghan 1997)
This 8-volume set is kept up to date by pocket supplements. The set analyzes the Federal rules of Evidence and court cases interpreting the rules, as well as provides comparisons of federal, state, and military evidence rules.

Wharton’s Criminal Law
(Charles Torcia, Clark Boardman Callaghan 1993)
This 4-volume set is kept up to date by pocket supplements. The set describes and analyzes the basic principles of criminal law, including their roots, developments, and present status, as well as discusses the Model Penal Code. The title is also available on Westlaw.

Wharton’s Criminal Procedure
(Nancy Hollander et al., Clark Boardman Callaghan 2002)
This multi-volume set is current through 2011. It provides a thorough analysis of criminal procedure through common-law development and statutory and judicial changes.

White Collar Crime Report
Provides coverage of legal developments affecting the prosecution and defense of fraud and other white collar crimes including judicial, legislative, and regulatory actions

White House Home Page
The White House web pages provide texts of recent speeches and press conferences as well as a virtual library of Executive Orders and other publicly released White House documents.

This site by the World Intellectual Property Organization has national laws and treaties on intellectual property of WIPO, WTO, and UN member states.

Womens Legal History Biography Project
Developed by Professor Barbara Babcock at Stanford Universitys Law School (and the staff at the Robert Crown Law Library), this website is intended to serve as an online resource for "all who are interested in the subject of women lawyers in the United States." Working with her students and others, Professor Babcock has created an index of women lawyers; and for each entry, attached pertinent documents that are both historical and contemporary.

Workplace Fairness
Workplace Fairness is a non-profit organization that provides online access to worker’s rights information, labor and employment news, and resources for lawyers and advocates including court decisions organized by state.

Workplace Immigration Report
Provides workplace immigration news, information on federal and state legislation and regulation, and immigration enforcement actions in various industries

Workplace Law Report
Provides coverage of federal and state court rulings related to employment and labor law as well as information on regulatory actions and administrative rulings

World Communications Regulation Report
Provides information on international regulation of communication technologies

World Data Protection Report
Offers coverage of global legal developments in medical, workplace, and online privacy and data protection

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
“The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the use and protection of works of the human spirit. These works -- intellectual property -- are expanding the bounds of science and technology and enriching the world of the arts. Through its work, WIPO plays an important role in enhancing the quality and enjoyment of life, as well as creating real wealth for nations.”

World Intellectual Property Report
Provides information on legal global developments related to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other areas of intellectual property law

World Legal Information Institute
The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) is a free global legal research site developed collaboratively by a number of Legal Information Institutes and other participants in the free access to law movement. It includes almost 900 databases from 123 countries.

World LII: Countries
A directory of web sites containing foreign laws, arranged by country.

World Securities Law Report
Provides information on legal developments in the regulation of transactions involving securities around the world

(6578Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
An OCLC catalog of books and other materials.

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
(906Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
An index of articles from 1975 to the present in political science, international relations, law and public administration and policy.

WTO Reporter
Offers coverage of the activities of the World Trade Organization