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Tax and Accounting Center
Offers practitioners analysis, news, primary sources, and practice tools covering federal, international, and state tax issues and financial accounting

Tax Court of Canada
The Tax Court of Canada hears appeals from assessments under the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, and the Employment Insurance Act, among other acts. The Court’s website provides access to judgments from 1996 to the present, as well as information on Court acts, rules, and procedures.

Tax Law Review
(2949Hits)  (Password required)
The Tax Law Review, published four times annually by the New York University School of Law, is a faculty-edited journal that focuses on tax policy scholarship. It is the premier tax law journal and publishes articles and essays by legal academics and practitioners, as well as economists.

Tax Lawyer
(3296Hits)  (Password required)
The American Bar Association Section of Taxation publishes the Tax Lawyer. The journal provides scholarly articles by tax attorneys and professors, key reports by Section of Taxation committees and task forces, and student notes and comments on timely topics.

Tax Notes
Tax Notes is a weekly magazine published by Tax Analysts, a non-profit organization which provides tax news and analysis. The magazine includes a summary of federal tax news, including tax court opinions, IRS bulletins, Chief Counsel advice, proposed regulations, public comments on regulations, Congressional correspondence, and Joint Committee on Taxation correspondence. It also features in-depth commentary on the week’s events. Tax Notes content is available in the tax collection of the Library at Law Tax K24 .A9 and through the LexisNexis TXNMAG database.

Tax Planning International Asia-Pacific Focus
Offers information on tax developments, legislative updates, and tax-planning issues in Asia-Pacific countries

Tax Planning International European Tax Service
Offers information on European tax legislation and its implementation

Tax Planning International Indirect Taxes
Provides information on domestic and international indirect tax laws

Tax Planning International Review & Forum
Provides information on foreign tax developments and offers access to country-specific tax news

Tax Prof Blog
The TaxProf Blog is edited by a tax law professor and offers resources, news, and information geared to interest other law school tax professors. The blog contains both continuously updated permanent resources and daily information.

Provides access to important tax-related documents from Congress, and the IRS

Telecommunications Monitor
Provides coverage on regulatory, legislative, and judicial decisions and developments which affect telecommunications

Tempe City Code
From the City of Tempe home page.

Tempe Municipal Court Home Page
The Tempe Municipal Court home page was designed to help navigate the Tempe Municipal Court with regard to practical information such as court hours, how to pay a fine, forms for filling out an Order of Protection and a tutorial on the basics of what happens for those charged with a criminal offense. This court has jurisdiction over all civil traffic matters and criminal offenses occurring in Tempe.

The Supreme Court Database, Washington University in St. Louis
The Supreme Court Database allows researchers to analyze Supreme Court decisions in a myriad of ways. There are six significant categories by which cases can be searched and examined: “(1) identification variables (e.g., citations and docket numbers); (2) background variables (e.g., how the Court took jurisdiction, origin and source of the case, the reason the Court agreed to decide it); (3) chronological variables (e.g., the date of decision, term of Court, natural court); (4) substantive variables (e.g., legal provisions, issues, direction of decision); (5) outcome variables (e.g., disposition of the case, winning party, formal alteration of precedent, declaration of unconstitutionality); and (6) voting and opinion variables (e.g., how the individual justices voted, their opinions and interagreements).” The database is a powerful tool for researchers interested in Supreme Court opinions. It is based on data collected by law professor Harold Spaeth and hosted by Washington University in St. Louis.

Tips for Cost-Effective Legal Research
A guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

TM Compensation Planning Journal
Offers analysis, news, trends, and issues affecting compensation planning with coverage of legislative, administrative, and judicial developments

TM Estates, Gifts and Trusts Journal
Provides information on federal and state legislative, administrative, judicial, and policy developments related to estate planning

TM International Journal
Provides information on global tax developments with coverage of cases, rulings, regulations, legislation, and tax treaties

TM Memorandum
Provides information on news, developments, trends, and strategies related to business tax planning

TM Portfolios - Federal Collection: US Income; Estates Gifts and Trusts; and Foreign Income
Offers analysis, news, primary sources, and practice tools covering federal, state, and international tax issues and financial accounting

TM Real Estate Journal
Offers analysis of news, trends, and issues affecting real estate tax planning as well as coverage of tax-related federal and state legislative, regulatory, judicial, and policy developments

TM State Tax Portfolios
Collection of portfolios written by state tax practitioners that provide analysis of a wide variety of state tax issues and link to state codes, regulations, rulings, and cases

TM Tax Practice Bulletin (archives)
Archived issues of BNA’s Tax Practice Bulletin

TM Tax Practice Series
Provides information on a wide variety of tax topics and offers analytical, research, compliance, and practice tools related to tax law

TM Transfer Pricing Report
Provides news and analysis of US and other governments’ tax policies regarding intercompany transfer pricing

TM Weekly Report
Provides information and news on legislative, regulatory, judicial, and policy developments from the Treasury Department, IRS, the courts, and Congress

TM Weekly State Tax Report
Provides analysis of state tax codes, regulations, court decisions, and administrative decisions and pronouncements

Tobacco Documents
A collection of more than 20 million pages of previously secret documents from tobacco industry files. Ranging in date from the 1930s to the 1990s, the documents cover projects central to the tobacco industry such as marketing, research and development, cigarette analysis and design, as well as industry efforts to establish business in developing countries. The documents were obtained through the legal discovery process for a lawsuit against the major tobacco companies by the Attorney General of Minnesota and Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota, and suits brought by other states. The suit was settled in 1998.

Todays Federal Register
This site by the Government Printing Office has the current days Federal Register.

Toxics Law Reporter
Provides coverage of significant developments in toxic tort, hazardous waste, and related insurance litigation

(4324Hits)  (Registration required)
A fee-based website providing statistical information and data about the federal government.

Transfer Pricing International Journal
Provides news, analysis, and practical information on cross-border pricing issues for traditional and electronic business

Transportation Watch
Offers coverage of federal transportation policy, regulation, litigation, and spending

Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS)
(1346Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Temporary slip form of U.S. treaties. It is the "official" publication of U.S. treaties until they are published in UST. There is a delay in publication of several years.

Treaties in Force
Annual list of all bilateral and multilateral agreements considered by the U.S. State Department to be in force in the United States. It is divided into bilateral and multilateral sections. The bilateral section is arranged alphabetically by country, and then divided by subject. The multilateral section is arranged alphabetically by subject, then chronologically. Sources for Treaties in Force:

Tribal Court Clearinghouse
"The Tribal Court Clearinghouse ... strives to (1) provide extensive information and resources concerning tribal courts and other issues related to the enhancement of justice in Indian country directly on the Clearinghouse; (2) provide descriptive links to additional resources which will facilitate tribal court utilization of technological innovations and the vast information available on the Internet; and (3) foster and encourage the exchange of ideas and expertise between people working in tribal courts." Includes Tribal codes, constitutions, opinions, etc.

Tribal Law Gateway
The Tribal Law Gateway is a way to find out what the National Indian Law Librarys most recent copy of a tribal code or constitution is. Each federally-recognized tribe is listed in an A-Z table. The catalog record is linked for easy access. Additional information includes the presence of the most recent online copy on the Internet, and tribal contact information.

Tucson Code of Ordinances
Codification of the laws of the City of Tucson, Arizona.

Turtle Talk
"Turtle Talk is the blog for the Indigenous Law and Policy Center at Michigan State University College of Law. We post news items related to Indian law and politics, with a special emphasis on topics related to Indian tribes in Michigan and the Great Lakes region. We also post announcements about our activities and about the activities of the MSU Native American Law Students Association."