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Labor & Employment Law Resource Center
Provides overview discussions of key labor and employment law topics

Labor and Employment Federal Government Resources
The Penn State Law Library has compiled a list of government agencies and resources related to labor and employment.

Labor Relations Week
Coverage of major labor relations issues and labor law developments

Labriola National American Indian Data Center (ASU)
This research collection is international in scope and brings together in one location current and historic information on government, culture, religion and world view, social life and customs, tribal history, and information on individuals from the United States, Canada, Sonora, and Chihuahua, Mexico. The Center has several guides that relate to Indian law, including:

Landmark Indian Law Cases
From the National Indian Law Library. Full text of 53 important U.S. Supreme Court cases with index by subject matter. Available in print at the Law Library at Indian Law KF8204.5 .L36 2002. Also available on HeinOnline

Law Library Resource Exchange (LLRX) Comparative and Foreign Law Guides
Links to guides to researching foreign laws of various countries.

(3242Hits)  (Password required)
PDF files of the past 10 years of exams administered by the faculty of the Sandra Day OConnor College of Law.

Law-Lib Archive

Laws and Regulations of Quebec
The Quebec Justice Department website provides online access to the statutes and regulations of Quebec in both English and French.

Laws of Novia Scotia
The Novia Scotia Legislative Counsel Office makes Novia Scotia statutes and regulations available online.

League of Nations Treaty Series
1920-1945 treaties deposited with the League of Nations.

Legal Advice in the Phoenix Area
Contact information for Phoenix-area organizations that offer legal advice or help in finding an attorney. Arranged by type of case.

Legal Dockets Online
This site links to federal and state court docket information.

Legal Forms
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Legal Treatises
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

(3741Hits)  (Law Library only)
Covers more than 875 legal periodicals and newspapers, plus over 1000 law related business and general interest titles.

This Parliament of Canada website provides electronic access to a wide range of information on legislation before Parliament, including bill versions, votes, details on the bill’s passage through Parliament, and legislative summaries.

Legislative Histories Compiled by the U.S. Department of Justice
Legislative histories that were compiled by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Library Staff throughout the years.

Legislative Histories of Selected U.S. Laws on the Internet
From the Law Librarians Society of Washington, D.C. Lists Laws by popular name and Public Law number, with links to free and commercial websites, including Westlaw, LexisNexis, and HeinOnline. LexisNexis and Westlaw links require a password, available to ASU law students and faculty, but HeinOnline is available from any computer on the ASU network. Check the explanatory notes if you have trouble accessing any of the sites.

Legislative History of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Westlaw database)
(6912Hits)  (Password required)
This Westlaw database provides access to pertinent congressional reports, hearings, debates, and bills, as well as CRS reports and GAO reports related to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

Legislative History of the Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Compiled by J.S. Ellenberger and Ellen P. Mahar (1973)
This eleven volume treatise includes pertinent congressional bills, amendments, hearings, reports and debates leading to passage of the Securities act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The resource is available in print at Law Treatises KF1066 .A58 1973 and on HeinOnline.

Legislative Source Book
Law Librarians Society of District of Columbia

(4630Hits)  (Password required)

LexisNexis Academic
(16700Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Full-text documents from over 5,600 news, business, legal, medical, and reference publications with a variety of flexible search options.

LexisNexis Arizona Tax Materials
(965Hits)  (Password required)
This LexisNexis database provides access to Arizona tax statutes, regulations, and cases, as well as tax-specific secondary sources.

LexisNexis Labor and Employment Page
Legal > Area of law by Topic > Labor & Employment
This LexisNexis page provides access to labor and employment news and analysis, as well as to relevant case law, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, secondary sources, forms, briefs, and more.

LexisNexis Securities Page
(1115Hits)  (Password required)
Legal > Area of law by Topic > Securities
This LexisNexis page provides access to securities news and analysis, as well as to securities case law, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, secondary sources, forms, briefs, and more.

LexisNexis State Capital
(4292Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Comprehensive access to bills, laws, constitutions, and proposed and enacted regulations for all fifty states.

LexisONE Forms
Includes free forms and forms available for purchase.

LexisONE Legal Web Site Directory
Links to law-related websites organized by category.

lexisONE/Lexis Community
lexisONE, renamed the Lexis Community, is a service designed for individuals or small law firms, with flexible packages including daily, weekly, and monthly LexisNexis and Shepards access, as well as an option to "search for free, pay for what you retrieve." It also has many free resources, including free U.S. Supreme Court cases from 1781 to present, State and Federal cases from the last five years, free legal forms, and a directory of law-related websites. This resource now requires registration and users are prompted when they try to retrieve “for pay” items.

Library and Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada is the official repository for Canadian federal government records of historical significance. The Library has a very complete collection of Canadian government publications in all formats available online.

Life Sciences Law & Industry Report
Reports on the life sciences industry with biweekly updates on current regulatory, legislative, and legal issues

List of Digests
List of Digests located in the Ross-Blakley Law Library.

List of Law Schools - FindLaw
This is a directory of United States law schools.

LLMC Digital
(3845Hits)  (On-campus only)
LLMC is a non-profit cooperative serving member libraries needs for preservation, space recovery, and collection development on film and on-line. In its first 27 years of operation, it filmed over 7,500 titles, some 90,000 volumes, of interest to researchers in law and history. Its backfile comprises the worlds largest collection of legal literature and government documents in microform. That backfile, and future filming of some 10,000 volumes per year, are being made available for on-line access on this web site. Full bibliographic data for titles already uploaded is provided here.
Law Library Resource Xchange, a newsletter with a focus on research, management & technology topics for legal professionals.

LLSDC Legislative Source Book
This site is maintained by the Legislative Research Special Interest Section of the Law Librarians Society of Washington, D.C.

LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected)
This site by the National Archives and Records Administration helps update the Code of Federal Regulations.