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PAIS International
(1186Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Public Affairs Information Service. An index to articles, books, etc. from 1972 to the present in the areas of public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general.

Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law Daily
Provides information on important intellectual property court cases, regulatory developments, legislative activities, and trends

Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal®
Offers information on intellectual property legislation, regulations, litigation, industry news, and international developments

Peace Palace Library
The Peace Palace Library is a preeminent library of international law at The Hague and supports legal institutions including the International Court of Justice. Content on their web site includes bibliographies on topics such as International Humanitarian Law; Terrorism and International Law; and International Criminal Law.

Penn State Institute for Sports Law, Policy, and Research
The Penn State Institute for Sports Law, Policy, and Research serves as resource for journalists, lawyers and others concerned about sports and public policy by promoting discussion and supporting research. The Institute’s website provides access to empirical research, legal literature, legislative information, and teaching resources.

Pension & Benefits Daily
Provides information on developments, emerging trends, and news related to pension and benefits

Pension and Benefits Reporter - Current Reports
Gives information on the laws, regulations, cases, and issues that influence pension and benefits policy, design, and administration

Pharmaceutical Law & Industry Report ®
Provides news and updates on regulatory and judicial developments that affect the pharmaceutical and biotech industries

Philosopher’s Index
(1477Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
ASU Electronic Indexes and Research Tools (1940 -)
Indexes books and journals of philosophy and related interdisciplinary fields including law and science.

Phoenix Municipal Court Home Page
On the “official web site” of the city of Phoenix, the municipal court home page has contact and directory information including what services are available online and FAQs. “The Phoenix Municipal Court is the state’s largest limited jurisdiction court and is among the top ten busiest municipal courts in the United States.

Pima County Law Library

Pima County Superior Court
The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County website provides general directory information; as well as availability of cases, dockets and court records. It includes the court calendar, jury information, self -service forms and other court-related links.

PMC (PubMed Central)
PMC is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine. The archive is related to PubMed, but where PubMed contains citations and abstracts, PMC contains full-text articles. Content in PMC can be browsed by journal title, volume and issue, and the archive has both basic and advanced search functions.

Practical Guide to Canadian Legal Research (2010)
The Practical Guide to Canadian Legal Research, written by Nancy McCormack, provides an excellent overview of print and electronic resources for locating Canadian law. The book covers legal encyclopedias and dictionaries, periodicals, case law, statutes, regulations, Quebec law (based on French civil law), and more.

Practitioner Insights for Employment (Westlaw database)
(1470Hits)  (Password required)
This Westlaw database provides access to labor and employment news and analysis, as well as easy navigation to relevant case law, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, secondary sources, forms, briefs, and more.

Practitioner Insights for Securities (Westlaw database)
(1237Hits)  (Password required)
This Westlaw database provides access to securities news and analysis, as well as easy navigation to securities case law, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, secondary sources, forms, briefs, and more.

Presidential Documents
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Prince Edward Island Courts
The Prince Edward Island Courts website provides information on the Prince Edward Island Supreme Court and the Provincial Court. The website provides information on both courts and access to their judgments.

Prince Edward Island Statutes and Regulations
The Prince Edward Island Legislative Counsel website provides online access to the statutes and regulations of Prince Edward Island.

Privacy & Data Security Law Resource Center®
Provides news, legal analysis, and practice tools related to privacy and information security on both a federal and state level, as well as relevant full text statutes, regulations, agency documents, and court cases

Product Safety & Liability Reporter - Current Reports
Offers information on significant developments and issues in product safety and liability legislation, regulation, and litigation

Prof. Robert Clinton - Federal Indian & Tribal Law
Arizona State University Law Professor Robert Clinton’s webpage has many links to Indian legal information.

Proquest Congressional
(4277Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Includes committee reports, House and Senate documents, committee prints, bills, the Congressional Record, rules of Congress, legislative histories, testimony, public laws, the United States Code, the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, biographical and financial information about members of Congress, voting records, and articles from the National Journal and Congress Daily.

ProQuest Indian Claims Insight
This resource includes: Pre-1948: claims presented to Congress and/or brought before the Court of Claims; 1948-1978: Indian Claims Commission, including briefs, docket books, decisions, expert testimony, oral transcripts; Post-1978: Claims brought before the US Court of Claims (through 1982) and US Court of Federal Claims (through 2006); documents related to post-2006 settlement of claims; legislative histories and congressional publications directly related to Indian claims, including congressional publications indexed by docket numbers; important Supreme Court decisions; and maps.

ProQuest Legislative Insight
Legislative insight is a federal legislative history service that makes available through researched compilations of digital full-text publications relevant to enacted United States public laws and related bills, Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and documents. Coverage, 87th Congress: 119 (1961) to present.

ProQuest Regulatory Insight
Regulatory Histories for Public Laws enacted from 1981-2015 Federal Register documents for 1977-present Code of Federal Regulations from 1991-current.

Proquest Statistical Abstract
(3533Hits)  (On-campus only)
Comprehensive access to statistical information, including federal, state, and international sources.

ProQuest U.S. Serial Set Maps
A collection of maps printed as part of the Congressional Serial Set. More than 50 percent of the maps are scanned at high resolution enabling users to see and download the smallest details on the map. The rest of the maps are mostly outline maps and would not benefit from being scanned at high resolution. Several Executive Branch agencies are the most prolific publishers of the maps including the Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey.

Proteomics Weekly
(977Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff,Password required)
Proteomics Weekly reports focus on research at the protein level and include AIDS, cancer, and other diseases, technology, drug development, and industry news. Available on ASU E-Journals and on Westlaw.

(5854Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
PsycINFO indexes literature in psychology and related disciplines including medicine and law. Coverage is 1887-present.

Public Laws
This site by the National Archives and Records Administration has public laws from the 104th Congress (1995-1996) to the present.

Public Library of Law
PLoL sponsored by Fastcase is a great free source for finding cases and other legal materials. It has cases from the U.S. Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals; cases from all 50 states back to 1997; and links to federal and state statutes, regulations, court rules, and constitutions.

(2814Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
PubMed, maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, offers biomedical literature, life science journals, and books.