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U.S. Congressional Bibliographies
This site by North Carolina State University lists Senate hearings, prints and publications printed by the Senate since 1983.

U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873
This site is maintained by the Library of Congress and is part of the American Memory Collections of the National Digital Library Program.

U.S. Constitution - Annotated
The U.S. Constitution with annotations of cases decided by the Supreme Court. It is searchable by either amendment number or keyword.

U.S. Court of Appeals - Ninth Circuit
This site has the courts opinions since 1995, as well as forms and court rules.

U.S. Court of Appeals Decisions - FindLaw
This site has federal appellate court opinions from each circuit beginning 1996.

U.S. Department of Labor
The United States Department of Labor (DOL) works to promote and develop the welfare of workers and assures work-related benefits and rights. The DOL website has a search feature and allows for information to be browsed by topic, audience, location, and agency. Below is a partial listing of agencies under the Department of Labor:

U.S. Government Manual
This manual provides descriptions and organizational information for all federal agencies.

U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs focuses on the unique issues that American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native peoples face and proposes legislation to alleviate difficulties. These issues include, but are not limited to, Indian education, economic development, land management, trust responsibilities, health care, and claims against the United States. The committee has jurisdiction over all Senate legislation that specifically pertains to American Indians, Native Hawaiians, or Alaska Natives.

U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
The U.S. State Department prepares annual reports on the status of human rights of various countries. Reports are available from 1993 to the present. Available on HeinOnline U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices

U.S. Supreme Court Briefs
This site by FindLaw has briefs beginning with the 1999-2000 term.

U.S. Supreme Court Decisions
This site by Cornell Law Schools has opinions from 1990 to the present.

U.S. Supreme Court Home Page
This site has recent opinions, rules, schedule, oral argument calendar and other information about the court.

U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - FindLaw
This site has U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1893.

U.S. Supreme Court Rules
Part of the U.S. Supreme Courts home page.

U.S. Tax Overview: Structure of the Federal Tax System of the United States
(2001Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
This BNA publication provides a broad overview of the numerous component parts of the U.S. federal tax system. Chapters 1 through VIII describe the income tax, with later chapters covering the tax treatment of tax-exempt organizations, estates and trusts, corporations, and partnerships.

U.S. Treaties - State Department web site
The State Department web site has the full text of U.S. treaties and international agreements from 1996-present.

UNBISNET: United Nations Bibliographic Information System
Catalog of UN documents and publications indexed by the Dag Hammarskjold Library and the Library of the UN Office at Geneva. Includes commercial publications and other non-UN sources held in the collection of the Dag Hammarskjold Library. Includes some full text resources. Also has voting records for General Assembly resolutions back to 1983 and Security Council resolutions back to 1946. Includes an index to speeches made in the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic & Social Council, and Trusteeship Council 1983 forward.

Uniform and Model Acts
This site by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the University of Pennsylvania Law School has final acts and drafts of uniform and model laws.

Uniform Business and Finance Laws Locator
This site by Cornell Law School links to state statutes that correspond to uniform business and finance laws and to the text of the uniform laws on the Uniform Law Commissioners site.

Uniform Commercial Code Locator
This site by Cornell Law School has the full text of each article of the U.C.C., proposed revisions and links to state statutes that correspond to that article.

Uniform Matrimonial, Family and Health Laws Locator
This site by Cornell Law School links to state statutes that correspond to uniform matrimonial, family and health laws. It also links to the text of the uniform laws on the Uniform Law Commissioners site.

Uniform Probate Code Locator
This site by Cornell Law School links to state statutes that correspond to the Uniform Probate Code.

Uniform Rules of Evidence Locator
This site by Cornell Law School links to state evidence codes that correspond to the Uniform Rules of Evidence. It also links to the Federal Rules of Evidence.

Union Labor Report Newsletter ®
Provides coverage of workplace-related legislative, and regulatory, and judicial developments

United Nations Home Page
This is the main website of the United Nations, an international organization of member countries which has four main goals: maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, promote social progress, and better living standards and human rights. The website has extensive information on the UN, its member countries, and the actions taken by the UN and its committees. Many resources are also offered through the website, including documents, maps, access to research databases, and an online library.

United Nations Treaty Collection
All treaties deposited with the Secretariat of the United Nations 1944-present.
United States Attorneys Manual
The United States Attorneys Manual is a reference for U.S. Attorneys and other Department of Justice employees responsible for the prosecution of federal crimes. It contains policies and guidance relevant to the work of the U.S. Attorneys’ offices. The Manual is available in print at Law Gov Stacks J 1.8:AT 84/2/997.

United States Bankruptcy Court - District of Arizona
This site contains an FAQ, instructions, local rules, forms, etc.

United States Code
Codification by subject of the general and permanent laws of the United States. Divided by broad subjects into 50 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. Published every six years with annual cumulative supplements. Sources for the U.S. Code:

United States Income Tax Treaties
Internal Revenue Service.

United States Law Week®
Provides coverage of significant legislative, regulatory, and pre-decisional developments across the country and across all areas of law

United States Patent and Trademark Office
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the Federal agency which grants U.S. patents and registers trademarks. The USPTO advises the President of the United States, the Secretary of Commerce, and U.S. Government agencies on intellectual property (IP) policy, protection, and enforcement; and promotes the stronger and more effective IP protection around the world. The website of the USPTO provides exhaustive information on patent and trademark law in the US, as well as IP policy.

United States Reports via the Library of Congress
United States Reports is a series of bound case reporters that are the official reports of decisions for the United States Supreme Court. The Law Library of Congress has made available digital copies of the printed bound volumes of the United States Reports from 1791 to 2004. More than 35,000 Supreme Court cases are as page images in a searchable format.

United States Sentencing Commission
The United States Sentencing Commission is judicial branch agency that establishes sentencing policies and practices for the federal courts, advises Congress and the executive branch on crime policy, and collects, analyzes, and distributes information on federal crime and sentencing issues. The Commissions website provides access to its publications and reports including the Sentencing Guidelines Manual, as well as to Congressional testimony, hearings, and reports.

United States Statutes at Large
Official compilation of the laws of the federal government. Volume 7 covers Treaties between the United States and Indian Tribes 1778-1845. Treaties from 1846 to 1871 appear throughout volumes 9-16. Check individual volume indexes by tribal name and under: Indian Affairs; Indian Treaties; and Indian Department (Note that not all Indian treaties appear in the Statutes at Large series.) Sources for Statutes at Large:

United States Statutes at Large
Official source for U.S. treaties until 1950. Volume 8 has all treaties from 1776-1845 and volume 64, part 3 (1950-51) has an index of all treaties published in Statutes at Large. Sources for Statutes at Large:

United States Tax Court
The United States Tax Court website provides information about the court as well as access to court opinions from 1995-present.
Tax Court opinions are also available from the following resources:

United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST)
(1461Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Official publication of U.S. treaties from 1950 on. There is a delay in publication of about twenty years. Also available on HeinOnline.

United States Tribal Courts Directory
KF8224.C6 S39 2011. By April Schwartz and Mary Jo B. Hunter. Provides state-by-state information on tribal courts including contacts, areas of jurisdiction and publication information for tribal opinions and codes. 1st to 3d editions available on HeinOnline.

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
This site has the full text of over 85,000 human rights documents and materials including treaties, UN documents, regional materials, research guides, and other resources.