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JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association
(1975Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
JAMA is an international peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year, continuously since 1883. It is the most widely circulated medical journal. Available online as an ASU E-Journal (1883-present).

John Collier Papers, 1922-1968
In 1923, John Collier founded the American Indian Defense Association, which sought to protect religious freedom and tribal property for Native Americans. He later served as commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs from 1933 to 1945 and is best known for sponsoring the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act, which reversed the policies of assimilation and allotment and gave legal sanction to tribal landholdings. In Law Microform cabinet 24.

Journal of Corporation Law
The Journal of Corporation Law is published by the University of Iowa. The practitioner-oriented publication contains articles on business, corporate, and securities topics.

Journal of Law and Family Studies
(2089Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
The Journal of Law and Family Studies is published twice a year by the University of Utah. The journal publishes interdisciplinary articles on topics relating to families, family relationships, and the law.

Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport
The Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport is an internationally peer-reviewed journal published by the Sport and Recreation Law Association. The Journal features multidisciplinary theoretical and applied research on law and policy issues relevant to professional, intercollegiate, interscholastic, recreational, and Olympic sport. It is available on HeinOnline (1991-present) and WestLaw (2001-present).

Journal of NCAA Compliance
(747Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
The Journal of NCAA Compliance provides an in-depth look at news and trends in the NCAA compliance field. Coverage is 2011-present.

Justia Mexico
Justia Mexico provides links to Mexico’s constitution, federal laws, regulations, codes, statutes, and ordinances. The laws of the Mexican states are also provided. Content is in Spanish.
Legal information on numerous legal topics, including free cases, codes, regulations, legal articles, legal blog databases, federal filings, and regulations tracker. Includes all U.S. Supreme Court opinions, U.S. Court of Appeals opinions since 1950, and U.S. District Court opinions since 2004, as well as links to many other free resources.

Justice Information Center
Justice Information Center is provided by the National Criminal Justice Information Service, U.S. Department of Justice.