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Most current, but unofficial version of the Code of Federal Regulations from GPO Access.

E-Commerce Tax Report
Provides news and practical information about developments affecting federal, state, and international taxation of electronic commerce

Early Recognized Treaties with American Indian Nations
This website hosted by the University of Nebraska at Lincoln fills a gap in online treaty coverage. Charles J. Kappler’s Indian Affairs: Law and Treaties is the standard resource for the full-text of treaties between American Indian tribes and the United States government. The Oklahoma State University Library Electronic Publishing Center digitized those five volumes, which cover treaties created between 1778 and 1868 and published in Statutes at Large, and made them freely available on the Internet. However, they do not include nine treaties created between 1722 and 1805 that were not published in the Statutes at Large. The Early Recognized Treaties website completes the collection. All nine treaties can be searched collectively, and each is available in HTML with picture images of each print page.

(1654Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Indexes journal articles, books, dissertations, working papers, etc. on topics such as economic development and international economics. 1969+

EDGAR Database of Corporate Information
This database is maintained by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission.

eDiscovery Resource Center
Provides news, information on federal and state cases, statutes, and court rules, as well as access to treatises and practice tools related to eDiscovery and digital evidence

EHS Federal Regulatory Alert
Offers updated information on environment and safety regulations promulgated by federal agencies

EHS State Regulatory Alert
Offers updated information on environment and safety regulations promulgated by all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico

EISIL - Electronic Information System for International Law
EISIL, the Electronic Information System for International Law, is an online database that organizes and provides links to web resources from the full spectrum of international law. EISIL is maintained by the American Society of International Law.

Electronic Commerce & Law Report
Provides information on domestic developments and global changes related to the digital economy

Electronic Guide to Mexican Law
This research guide to Mexican law is written by Francisco A. Avalos, foreign and international librarian at the University of Arizona College of Law Library, and Elisa Donnadieu, also of the University of Arizona College of Law Library. The guide is published by the Hauser Global Law School Program, New York University School of Law. It provides a brief history of the Mexican legal system, and covers how to research legislation, political parties, state governments, and NAFTA.

Electronic Information System for International Law
This American Society for International Law (ASIL) website provides links to important international law documents.

Electronic Research Collection
This site is a partnership of the U.S. State Department, the University of Illinois at Chicago Library and the Federal Depository Library Program. The ERC collection mainly includes the archived electronic documents from the U.S. State Department web site and U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

Electronic Sources for Federal Legislative History
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal
The Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal is published twice annually by the Chicago-Kent College of Law and Workplace Fairness, an organization that provides online access to workers rights information. The Journal publishes interdisciplinary articles focused on the well-being of employees on the workplace.

Employment Discrimination Report
Provides coverage of legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments in the area of equal employment opportunity

Employment Discrimination Verdicts & Settlements
Offers access to a searchable database with employment discrimination verdicts, settlements, and awards

Employment Law Information Network
The Employment Law Information Network provides access to employment law news, articles, cases, statutes, and other resources.

Energy and Climate Report™
Provides coverage of clean energy, efficiency, and climate change legislation, regulation, policy, legal developments, and trends in the US and internationally

English Medieval Legal Documents Wiki
This collaborative database is a compilation of published sources of English medieval legal documents (AD 600 - AD 1535), with links to online sources.

English Reports (1220-1873)
Free access from Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Entertainment & Sports Lawyer
The Entertainment & Sports Lawyer is a quarterly newsletter published by the Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries of the American Bar Association. The newsletter is written for sports and entertainment law practitioners and provides current, practical information as well as public policy content and scholarly viewpoints. It is available on HeinOnline (1982-2012) and LexisNexis Academic (1999-present).

Environment & Safety Resource Center (Fed Env't & Env't Cases)
Statutes, regulations, decisions, and secondary material relating to federal, state, and foreign laws on the environment and safety

Environment Reporter - Current Reports
Offers information on developments in the courts, Congress, federal agencies, state legislatures, industries, and environmental organizations related to the environment

Environmental Due Diligence Guide Report
Provides information on legal changes and developments related to environmental due diligence

Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis
(4636Hits)  (Password required)
Tracks and summarizes major environmental, toxic tort, natural resource and land use law developments, including legislative and administrative action, judicial decisions, and news. Monthly, in-depth articles cover a wide spectrum of issues. Includes State News & Analysis, International News & Analysis, and Health and Safety News & Analysis. Password for College of Law Faculty and Students.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against job applicants or employees due to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information, as well as laws that outlaw discriminating against a person who filed or participated in a discrimination complaint or lawsuit.

ERISA Litigation Tracker
Provides resources for staying current on significant ERISA cases as they are being litigated through the federal courts; offers an alert service and provides full-text court filings

Essentials of Sports Law (Glenn M. Wong, 2002)
An in-depth look at the legal issues that impact the sports industry with significant coverage of amateur sports topics.

Ethnic NewsWatch
(1660Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)

EUR-Lex provides access to the European Union Official Journal since 1998, as well as treaties, legislation, the Directory of Community Legislation in Force, consolidated legislation, legislation in preparation, Court of Justice decisions since 1997, and other EU documents of interest, including green papers, white papers, reports, and Commission working documents.

Europa is the official website of the European Union. It provides basic information on how the EU works, the latest EU news and events, and links to EU information on the website of EU institutions and agencies.

European Center for Minority Issues
(2309Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
This HeinOnline collection includes ECMI Reports beginning 1997, ECMI Working Papers beginning 1998, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe beginning 2000, Minority Issues Mainstreaming beginning 2005, and Ombudsman Institutions and Minority Issues: A Guide to Good Practice beginning 2005.

European Court of Human Rights
This site includes the HUDOC database, a searchable collection of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and European Commission of Human Rights, and the text of the European Convention on Human Rights and additional protocols.

European Court of Human Rights Decisions
This website contains text of European Court of Human Rights decisions from 1960 to the present. The website is maintained by the British and Irish Legal Information Institute.

European Court of Justice - Case Search
This European Court of Justice search page has opinions accessible by case number since 1953. Opinions from June 1997 to present are full-text searchable.

European e-Justice Portal
This site is maintained by the European Union and is a good starting point for EU legal research.

Expert Evidence Report®
Provides information on court rulings, legislative proposals, and rule reforms as well as federal and state news relating to expert evidence

Export Reference Library
Provides materials and information related to export, including country profiles, summaries of regional trade blocs, international trade terms, treaties, and US export regulations and controls

ez Court Forms
A service of the Maricopa County Superior Court Self-Service Center. This website contains interactive interviews that help you complete forms necessary to create court documents for legal separation, dissolution of marriage, conciliation and small claims.