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Major administrative datasets of the U.S. government
This resource from the Kennedy School at Harvard University provides links to data sources and tools from a broad range of federal agencies.

Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926
The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926 provides digital images on every page of 22,000 legal treatises on US and British law published from 1800 through 1926. Full-text searching on more than 10 million pages provides researchers access to critical legal history in ways not previously possible. Access to the electronic version limited to those affiliated with Arizona State University and those within campus libraries.

Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources
The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources is a searchable digital archive consisting of two parts. Part I, 1620-1926, contains more than 1,300 individual titles consisting of about 2,225 volumes sourced chiefly from the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University, with additional materials provided by the Law Library of Congress. Part II, 1763-1979, extends the archive into the second half of the twentieth century with more than 1.6 million scanned pages drawn from the Harvard Law School Library, the Yale Law Library, and the Law Library of Congress. Access to the electronic version limited to those affiliated with Arizona State University and those within campus libraries.

Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978
The Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978 contains records and briefs brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in the period 1832-1978. For the period 1832 through 1915, the documents are based primarily on the holdings of the Jenkins Memorial Law Library, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For 1915-1978 the source is the Library of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Access to the electronic version limited to those affiliated with Arizona State University and those within campus libraries.

Manitoba Courts
The Manitoba Courts website provides information about the Manitoba Court of Queens Bench, Court of Appeal, and Provincial Court.

Manitoba Laws
This Manitoba government website makes Manitoba statutes and regulations available online.

Maricopa Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
Information on Telephone referral service matching callers with attorneys that handle many types of cases. Formerly

Maricopa County Bar Association
The Maricopa County Bar Association is the largest voluntary bar association in Arizona. The website provides information on the numerous sections, divisions and committees of the Maricopa Bar; back issues of The Maricopa Lawyer, CLE information, and links to other resources.

Maricopa County Lawyers & Mediators
A listing of lawyers and mediators prepared by the Maricopa County Superior Court Self-Service Center.

Maricopa County Municipal and Justice Courts: Information and Rules
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Maricopa County Self-Service Center
This site is maintained by the Maricopa County Superior Court. It has forms and general information about civil cases, family court, guardianships and conservatorships, probate cases, name changes, property tax appeals, juvenile cases, and restoration of civil rights.

Maricopa County Superior Court
General Maricopa County all-purpose judicial web site including Superior Court information, directory of resources and officers of the court. See Maricopa County Municipal and Justice Courts research guide above.

Maricopa County Superior Court Family Court Website
The Maricopa County Superior Court’s Family Court website offers forms and information concerning divorce decrees and child support orders.

Marquette Sports Law Review
The Marquette Sports Law Review, formerly the Marquette Sports Law Journal, publishes articles by legal scholars, practitioners, and students regarding national and international sports law issues. It is available on HeinOnline (1990-present) and WestLaw (1993-present).

Marquette University Law School Faculty Blog: Sports Law
This blog contains commentary on current issues of law and public policy by faculty members and others associated with Marquette University Law School. Lawyer Locator and Attorney Directory
This is a national directory of attorneys.

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Online
The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law is an online resource containing scholarly articles on public international law. The Encyclopedia is published in partnership with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, and updated throughout the year.

Media Law Reporter®
The latest cases and news on media law on the state and federal levels

Media Law Resource Center
A non-profit information clearinghouse originally organized by a number of media organizations to monitor developments and promote First Amendment rights in libel, privacy, and related legal fields.

Medical Devices Law & Industry Report
Information on legislative, regulatory, and judicial actions related to medical devices, as well as industry news

Medical Research Law & Policy Report ®
Provides coverage of federal and state agency actions, significant legislative activities, and major court decisions related to medical research

Medicare Report
Provides coverage of legislative, administrative, and court decisions affecting Medicare, as well as public and private sector Medicare reforms

Medline Plus
The consumer health information (CHI) website from the National Library of Medicine provides information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues. It also contains dictionaries, encyclopedias, and drug information.

Mergers & Acquisitions Law Report
Offers coverage of federal, state, and international mergers and acquisitions news related to litigation, legislation, and regulation

Mesa City Code
From the City of Mesa home page.

MetaLib is a federated search engine that searches multiple U.S. Federal government databases, retrieving reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources available online.

Mexican Legal Information Sources
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Money & Politics Report
Provides information on campaign finance, lobbying, and government ethics issues at the federal, state, and local levels

Monthly Labor Review
The Monthly Labor Review is the principal journal of fact, analysis, and research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). It publishes articles from BLS experts, private sector professionals, and government specialists on topics including the labor force, economy, and employment.

Multilaterals Project
The Multilaterals Project, a project of The Fletcher School at Tufts University, makes the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments available online. The collection includes environmental agreements and treaties in the fields of human rights, commerce and trade, and laws of war and arms control, mostly dating 1945 to present.

Municipal Code Corporation
The Municipal Code Corporation site links to local codes and ordinances from around the United States.