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Hague Conference of Private International Law
The Hague Conference of Private International Law is an inter-governmental organization with approximately 70 member states. One of its tasks is developing multilateral agreements dealing with private international law. The organizations website has the text of all Hague conventions.

Hague Justice Portal
Information, news, and research on the Hague organizations in the fields of international peace, justice and security.

Health Care Daily Report
Provides information on legislative, regulatory, judicial and consumer developments related to health care law and regulation

Health Care Fraud Report
Monitors health care fraud and abuse issues in the private insurance industry, managed care organizations, and federal and state programs

Health Care Policy Report
Provides information on federal, state and private-sector health care regulation and policy proposals, debates, and responses as well as news and legal analysis

Health Insurance Report
Provides information on legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments affecting the health insurance industry throughout implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

Health IT Law & Industry Report
Offers news and analysis of legislative, regulatory, judicial, and compliance issues related to interoperable electronic health records

Health Law Reporter
Provides information on legal developments that influence the health care industry, including new cases, federal and state legislation, rules from federal regulators, and enforcement trends

Health Law Resource Center
Information on Issues arising where health law and business interests intersect

(7251Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Full text of hundreds of legal publicationss from their first issue to, in many cases, the current issue. Format is image-based, presenting the exact page image and complete contents of the original materials including tables, charts, graphics, etc. Law journals are searchable by author, title, keyword, and citation, and browseable by journal title, author, and article title. Publications included in HeinOnline are organized into the following libraries:
  • Law Journal Library
  • Code of Federal Regulations
  • English Reports, Full Reprint (1220-1865)
  • European Center for Minority Issues
  • Federal Register Library
  • Legal Classics
  • Manual of Patent Examining Procedure
  • Philip C. Jessup Library
  • Session Laws
  • Treaties and Agreements Library
  • U.S. Attorney General Opinions
  • U.S. Federal Legislative History Library
  • U.S. Presidential Library
  • U.S. Statutes at Large
  • U.S. Supreme Court Library
  • World Trials

History of Bills
This Government Printing Office site has the history of federal bills from 1983 to the present.

History of the Federal Judiciary
This site is maintained by the Federal Judicial Center and contains judicial biographies, links to landmark judicial legislation, locations of judges papers, and much more.

Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal
The Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal is published twice annually by the Maurice E. Deane School of law at Hofstra University. The journal publishes articles on the various aspects of labor and employment law.

Homeland Security Briefing®
Provides coverage of significant federal and state actions related to security and anti-terrorist polices

Homeowners Associations
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Human Resources Report
Provides information on significant changes in federal employments laws and regulations, offers updates on state regulatory, legal and legislative developments, and gives insight into issues and trends in the human resources field

Human Rights U.S. State Department
U.S. State Department. Includes hundreds of U.S. government human rights reports, human rights treaties, and key U.S. human rights documents.