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ICRC Study on Customary Humanitarian Law Database
An online version of the International Committee of the Red Cross’ study on International Customary Humanitarian Law published by Cambridge University Press in 2005. It contains the customary rules of international humanitarian law, as well as descriptions of underlying state practice and is updated through 2007.

Immigration Law and Policy in the U.S. - HeinOnline
(629Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
The HeinOnline Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. library provides access to many important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates, and recent developments in immigration law.

Immigration Resources on the Web
This site is by the law firm of Siskind, Susser, Haas & Chang and provides forms and references as well as links to other Internet resources.

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
Online access from 1970 – present is available to College of Law students, faculty, and staff only. An index of articles from periodicals dealing with public and private international law, comparative law, and the municipal law of countries other than the U.S., the British Isles and the British Commonwealth. Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London in co-operation with the American Association of Law Libraries.

Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective
(2190Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
This index by The H.W. Wilson Company covers legal periodical articles and books from 1908 to 1981.

Indian Country Today
As part of the Indian Country Today Media Network, this online media platform provides a resource for time-sensitive news and special features with podcasts, e-mail alerts, and RSS feeds. The site also contains an online archive of American Indian news and perspective, as well as coverage of indigenous peoples throughout the world.

Indian Law Portal
Created by ASU law librarians and College of Law faculty, this portal brings together in one place legal resources on U.S. Federal Indian Law and Policy and Tribal Law, including databases, indexes and full text electronic journals, as well as authoritative websites.

Indian Trust: Cobell Litigation
Website dedicated to providing information about the Cobell v. Salazar class action settlement.

Infrastructure Investment & Policy Report™
Provides information on federal and state actions related to transportation, clean water, green initiatives, public-private partnerships, smart girds, and telecommunication, including legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments

Institute for Sports Law, Policy, and Research at Penn State
The Institute for Sports Law, Policy, and Research at Penn State is a resource for those interested in sports and public policy. It supports and disseminates research on sports law and policy, much of which is available on its website. Resources available online include empirical reports, bibliographies, articles, congressional publications, and teaching resources.

Intellectual Property Law Collection
(1160Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
The HeinOnline Intellectual Property Law Collection offers a number of resources focusing on copyrights, patents, and trademarks in the United States. The Collection includes over 100 legislative histories, Code of Federal Regulations Title 37, U.S. Code Titles 17 and 35, the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure, the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure, over 400 books, and more than 50 periodicals which focus on intellectual property.

Intellectual Property Law Resource Center
Primary source materials on intellectual property, including all cases in the United States Patents Quarterly, laws, and regulations

Inter-American Human Rights Database
Documents in English and Spanish from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights since its first session in 1960. The database is maintained by the American University Washington College of Law.

Internal Revenue Acts of the United States, 1909–1950: Legislative Histories and Administrative Documents Guide and Analytical Index
(Bernard D. Reams et al., William S. Hein & Co. 1979)
This text contains a chronological history to each Internal Revenue Act passed between 1909 and 1950, including references to the location of the bill in its various forms, slip laws, committee reports, committee hearings, and treasury regulations.

Internal Revenue Manual
The Internal Revenue Manual is the official compilation of policies, procedures, and guidelines of the Internal Revenue Service.

Internal Revenue Service
The IRS website provides a wealth of federal tax information. It also offers downloadable tax forms and publications. Below are selected links on the IRS website.

International Business & Finance Daily
Provides business news coverage and financial reporting from reliable sources in the United States and around the world

International Cases via
Justis is an online library of international case law and legislation.

International Commercial Arbitration - Treatises
Selected treatises related to international commercial arbitration in print or online through Westlaw or other commercial databases.

International Constitutional Law
Information about the constitutions of various countries with links to the text of the constitution.

International Court of Justice
The court’s website has the full text of decisions, pleadings, and other documents in contentious cases and for advisory opinions, including pending cases. It also has decisions and other documents from the Permanent Court of International Justice. Other sources of International Court of Justice decisions and documents:
International Courts Data
This site provides access to data collected by scholars about the following international courts: European Court of Human Rights; European Court of Justice; World Trade Organization; International Court of Justice; criminal tribunals; and the Andean Court.

International Environment Reporter - Current Reports
Provides news and analysis, laws, regulations, and policies in all major industrialized and developing nations, as well as international governmental and nongovernmental organizations

International Justice Resource Center
This is an online resource hub for human rights legal research.

International Labour Organization (ILO)
The International Labour Organization is a specialized United Nations agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. The Organizations website provides labour statistics, access to research databases and ILO publications, as well as information on labour standards around the world.

International Law Commission
The International Law Commission was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947. Their web site has texts, instruments, and reports adopted by the ILC, along with commentaries, and publications of the ILC, including the Yearbook of the International Law Commission and the Analytical Guide to the Work of the International Law Commission.

International Law Portal
Created by ASU law librarians. This portal brings together in one place many online resources that the University purchases for its students including databases, indexes and full text electronic journals, authoritative websites, and references to print sources that are helpful for international and foreign legal research.

International Law Reports
International Law Reports provides decisions of international courts and arbitrators as well as judgments of national courts. Covering all significant cases of public international law from 1919 to the present day, the collection spans from the postwar Treaty of Versailles era to the present. Access is provided via Justis and Justcite.

International Tax Monitor
Delivers daily news and analysis from the world's financial and business centers, focused on tax and accounting developments affecting transnational enterprises

International Trade Daily
Provides notification of the significant developments affecting US trade and international business policy and the policies of major US trading partners in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, and Africa

International Trade Reporter - Current Reports
A weekly report on legal, legislative and regulatory actions taken by the international and foreign commerce communities It covers domestic and foreign trade policy and US legislation, regulation and judicial action affecting international commerce

Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a growing ‘Internet library,’ with the purpose of offering permanent access to historical collections that exist in digital format. The Archive’s Wayback Machine allows people to visit archived versions of stored Web sites. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can type in a URL, select a date range, and retrieve an archived version of the Web.

Interviews of United States Supreme Court Justices
Interviews by Bryan Garner with eight U.S. Supreme Court Justices about legal writing and advocacy. Videos of the interviews are available at LawProse, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
This is a citation primer by Peter Martin of Cornell Law School and is based on the Bluebook.

IRS Written Determinations
The IRS website provides access to written determinations from 1999 to the present. Written determinations include Chief Counsel Advice, Private Letter Rulings, and Technical Advice Memoranda.