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Saskatchewan Consolidated Statutes
This Government of Saskatchewan website provides online access to the Consolidated Acts of Saskatchewan.

Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)
(2166Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Available on ASU Electronic Indexes and Research Tools 1955 -
Provides bibliographic information to articles in over 5800 scientific and technical journals.

Science Direct
(1809Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Available on ASU Electronic Indexes and Research Tools
Provides full text of Elsevier Journals held by ASU, UofA, and NAU
(2347Hits) is a search engine for authoritative U.S. government science information. The website searches over 50 scientific databases and an index of over 2,100 federal agency websites, with content consisting of scientific or technical data, publications, databases, and documentation. The databases and websites searched have been selected by information managers and librarians from 17 government science organizations and 13 federal agencies.

Scottsdale Codes, Ordinances, and Regulatory Documents
From the Municipal Code Corporation.

Scout is a free service that provides daily information on federal and state lawmaking. After creating an account, users can subscribe to customized e-mail or text alerts on what Congress is doing around an issue or a specific bill, as well as bills in state legislatures and federal regulations.

Scout Report
This University of Wisconsin, Madison site provides a weekly review of new and newly discovered Internet resources.
(2841Hits) offers news and commentary on actions by government agencies and securities firms as well as links to a variety of online securities resources

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website
The SEC website provides information about the agency and its divisions, as well as access to decisions and orders, proposed and final rules, interpretive releases, and company filings.

Securities Class Action Clearinghouse
The Stanford Law School’s Security Class Action Clearinghouse offers a detailed look into the workings of federal securities fraud class action litigation. The Clearinghouse has digitized and linked the full text of complaints, motions, dockets, opinions, and other major class action filings, as well as produced summaries and analysis of major securities fraud class action lawsuits. It offers a full-text search engine and an Index of Filings of securities issuers that have been named in federal class action securities fraud lawsuits since the passage of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Securities Law Daily
Reports on legal activities that affect acquisitions, mergers, securities, and commodities

Securities Law Prof Blog
The Securities Law Prof Blog is edited by Barbara Black, a professor of law at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. The blog is updated frequently and includes news and commentary related to securities law.

Securities Regulation and Law Report
Offers reporting on federal, state, and international developments in the regulation of securities and futures trading with coverage of the SEC, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the courts, and Congress

Seidmans Legislative History of Federal Income Tax Laws, 1861-1938
(Jacob S. Seidman, Prentice-Hall 1938)
Seidman’s text includes everything of interpretative significance said to or by Congress and passed or rejected by it, from 1861 (the beginning of income tax legislation) to 1938. Material is arranged by act, with the most recent act first. Information included for each act includes language changes, committee reports, floor discussions, and committee hearings. This resource is also available on HeinOnline.

Seidmans Legislative History of Federal Income Tax Laws, 1939-1953
(Jacob S. Seidman, Prentice-Hall 1954)
This two-volume text written by Jacob Seidman provides legislative history for tax laws passed between 1939 and 1953. This resource is also available on HeinOnline.

Self-Help Guide for Legal Information
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Senate, House and Executive Reports
This Government Printing Office site has Senate, House and Executive Reports from the 104th Congress (1995-96) to the present.

(6797Hits)  (Law Library only)
LexisNexis online citator.

Small Business Encyclopedia
The Small Business Encyclopedia, from, provides definitions for common business terms. It also includes links to a variety of free business tools including forms, checklists, and calculators.

Social Media Law & Policy Report
Provides coverage of social media law and policy issues and offers access to relevant federal and state cases, statutes, and regulations, as well as state bar ethics opinions, agency actions and guidelines, and administrative decisions

Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
(1432Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Provides citation information for articles in over 1700 social science journals.

Social Sciences FullText
(1300Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)

Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages the retirement, disability, and survivor benefits that make up the U.S. social insurance program. The SSA website provides information on personal social security benefits, as well as general information on retirement benefits, disability benefits, survivor benefits, supplemental security income, and medicare.

Social Security Library
This site is maintained by Cornell Law School.

Social Work Abstracts
(1351Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)

Sociological Abstracts
(1106Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics is housed at the University of Albany. The Sourcebook provides statistics on a variety of criminal justice topics.

Sources of Federal Tax Materials
This chart lists sources for federal tax materials including print resources, government websites, and LexisNexis and Westlaw databases.

Sources of Information for the United States Supreme Court
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Southern Poverty Law Center
The SPLC was founded in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm, and its legal department continues to fight discrimination. The Centers Intelligence Project monitors hate groups and tracks extremist activity throughout the U.S., and its Teaching Tolerance program helps K-12 teachers foster respect and understanding in the classroom.

SPORTDiscus provides access to bibliographic information and full-text articles, books, dissertations, conference proceedings, and research papers on all aspects of sports and fitness including law and legislation, management, and collegiate sports. Coverage is 1830-present.

Sports Business Research Network (SBRnet)
SBRnet provides access to market research reports, consumer surveys, news releases, government data, and articles related to sports business. Coverage is 1993-present.

Sports Law Blog
This blog is written by four sports law professors. It features news and commentary on sports law topics with a focus on financial issues.

Sports Lawyers Association
The Sports Lawyers Association is an international professional organization that works to advance the ethical practice of sports law. The Association’s website presents information on developments in sports law, information on its publications, and links to sports law resources.

Sports Lawyers Journal
The Sports Lawyers Journal is edited by students at Tulane Law School and published by the Sports Lawyers Association. The Journal features articles authored by American, Canadian, and European law students on all aspects of sports law. It is available on HeinOnline (1994-present) and WestLaw (1993-present).

State Administrative Codes and Registers
This site links to states administrative codes and registers.

State Bar of Arizona
This site has information about the State Bar, a searchable database of State Bar members, and Arizona ethics opinions from 1985 to date.

State Bar of Arizona - Public Information Brochures
Legal guides created by the State Bar of Arizona, including:
  • Divorce and Children
  • Client Care Kit
  • Alternatives to Trial
  • Client Rights and Responsibilities
  • Information About Disputes With Lawyers
  • I Need Legal Advice - What Should I do?
  • Law as a Career
  • Tips for Hiring and Working with a Lawyer
  • What does it Mean to be a Certified Specialist?
  • Client Care Kit
  • A Guide to Understanding Wills
  • A Guide to Guardianships and Conservatorships
  • Mass Disaster: A Victims Guide
  • The Truth about Living Trusts
  • Your Legal Guide to Buying a Vehicle
  • Your Rights as an Employee

State Constitutions - FindLaw
This site links to state constitutions on the web

State Environment Daily
Provides coverage of major environmental legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments in the states

State Health Care Regulatory Developments
Provides information on health care regulatory action in all 50 states and the District of Columbia

State Labor and Employment Laws
This Cornell University Legal Information Institute webpage links to the employment and labor laws of all fifty states.

State Legislative History Research Guides on the Web
A compilation of state legislative history guides from Indiana University School of Law Library – Bloomington.

State Tax Resources
This chart lists resources for tax laws and forms for all 50 states including government websites and LexisNexis and Westlaw databases.

State, Local and Federal Rules of Court
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Statistical Abstract of the United States
Statistical data describing the United States and its activities. Tables included also appear in the paper copy of the same title.

Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary General
Part of the United Nations Treaty Collection, it provides status information on more than 500 multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Statutory and Legislative History Research
Using Print and Electronic Sources
Courtesy of the Law Library of Congress

Supreme Court History
This site both preserves and disseminates the history of the U.S. Supreme Court. Suitable for all levels, from legal scholars to children.

Supreme Court Records and Briefs 1832-1978: The Making of Modern Law
The Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978 contains records and briefs brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in the period 1832-1978. For the period 1832 through 1915, the documents are based primarily on the holdings of the Jenkins Memorial Law Library, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For 1915-1978 the source is the Library of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Access to the electronic version limited to those affiliated with Arizona State University and those within campus libraries.