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N-Lex – A Common Gateway to National Law (Europe)
A Common Gateway to National Law. This common access portal for sources of national law has been developed by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities in conjunction with the Member States of the European Union. It allows users to search national sites using a single uniform search template. N-Lex is still an experimental project.

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) is housed at the University of Michigan. The NACJD facilitates research in criminal justice by preserving, enhancing, and sharing digital data resources.

National Case Law (Europe)
This portal of national case law was created by the Network of the Presidents of the European Supreme Courts.

National Conference of State Legislatures
This site links to state legislature web sites.

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
The National Council of Juvenile and family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) is an organization that works towards improving the effectiveness of the nations juvenile courts.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service offers a variety of justice and drug-related resources intended to support research, policy, and program development. The NCJRS Library providess access to an abstracts database with over 215,000 justice and substance abuse resources, as well as links to a number of other federal government websites.

National Indian Gaming Commission
The National Indian Gaming Commission is a federal agency created by the passage of IGRA to regulate Indian gaming. Their web site has the Commissions regulations, final decisions, enforcement actions, and reports, as well as tribal gaming ordinances.

National Indian Law Library
The National Indian Law Library is part of the Native American Rights Fund. This site includes the catalog of the National Indian Law Library.

National Labor Relations Board
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) conducts elections for fair labor union representation and investigates unfair labor practices. The NLRB website provides information about its actions and divisions, as well offers access to its cases, decisions, reports, and guidance.

National Sports Law Institute at Marquette University
The National Sports Law Institute at Marquette University is a research institute devoted to the study of the legal, ethical, and business issues affecting amateur and professional sports. The Institute’s website offers access to many of its publications, including the annual Recent Developments In Sports Law (formerly You Make The Call), the Institute’s quarterly newsletter For the Record, and the annual Sports Facility Report, which offers a variety of information on teams and their sports facilities.

National Womens Law Center (Title IX-Athletics)
The National Women’s Law Center’s Title IX webpage provides information on Title IX including history, statistics, and recent cases and legislation related to the law.

Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project
As a cooperative effort among the University of Oklahoma Law Center, the National Indian Law Library (NILL), and Native American tribes, this project provides access to constitutions, tribal codes, and other legal documents. Tribal constitutions and codes are the lifeblood of Indian sovereignty and the heart of self-government for more than 500 federally recognized tribes. These tribal documents are either placed online with the tribes’ permission or are U.S. government documents, rightfully in the public domain.

Native American Constitutions and Legal Materials
The Law Library of Congress contains a variety of Indian legal materials. They hold most of the laws and constitutions from the early nineteenth century produced by the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminoles after passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. They also hold materials developed with the passage of the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act when the federal government formally began recognizing Indian nations and tribes. The titles are organized regionally and include imprint date and full-text pdfs.

Native Legal Resources: Arizona. Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Indian Legal Program
An excellent list of useful directories including: Arizona Tribal Leaders, Arizona Tribal Maps, Arizona Tribal Law Firms and Arizona Tribal Courts.

NatLaw World
(4863Hits)  (Password required)
NatLaw World is a database maintained by the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade. It includes English translations of Mexican laws (primarily commercial, environmental, etc.), text of the Diario Oficial (in Spanish), articles of interest, an English/Spanish list of legal terms and phrases, and links to Latin American law and government sites.
Part of this database is free and part subscription based. ASU does not currently subscribe to this database.

NATLEX – International Labor Organization
National legislation relating to labor, social security, and human rights.

(1371Hits)  (Password required)
Available on ASU E-Journals (on-campus or ASURITE).

Nature Journals Online
(1475Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Nature Publishing Group publishes a number of scientific and medical information journals. Many of these journals are available as ASU E-Journals: .

NCIS Tribal Court Appellate Opinions
The NCIS Tribal Court Appellate Opinions are provided by the Northwest Intertribal Court System for tribes that were NICS members or contracted with NICS for appellate court services during the relevant time (1988 – present). Included in this database are over 300 opinions from 30 tribes.

NCSL 50-State Legislative Tracking Web Resources
From the National Conference of State Legislatures, this resource links to 50-state compilations covering various issues that concern state legislators and legislative staff.

New Brunswick Acts and Regulations
The New Brunswick Attorney General website provides online access to New Brunswick statutes and regulations.

New Brunswick Courts
The New Brunswick Courts website provides information on the Court of Queens Bench, Court of Appeal, and the Provincial Court.

Newfoundland Statutes and Regulations
The Newfoundland House of Assembly website provides online access to Newfoundland statutes and regulations.

NOLO Divorce & Family Law Center
The NOLO Press Divorce & Family Law Center webpage provides information on a variety of family law topics, including marriage, divorce, parenting, adoption, and domestic violence. NOLO materials are aimed at individuals who are interested in handling legal matters themselves.

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary
An online legal dictionary supported by Nolo Press, a self-help legal publisher.

North American Indian Thought and Culture
(1156Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)

North American Trade Agreements
(6043Hits)  (On-campus only)
NAFTA Online provides full-text versions of NAFTA, the full text of the US-Canada FTA, much of which is incorporated by reference into NAFTA, and complete texts of the Annexes and supplemental agreements. It is an Oceana Law database.

Northwest Territories Courts
The Northwest Territories Courts website provides information on the territorial court system and access to judgments from the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories, the Court of Appeal, and the Territorial Court.

Northwest Territories Statutes and Regulations
The Northwest Territories Department of Justice website provides online access to territorial statutes and regulations.

Nunavut Court of Justice
The Nunavut Court of Justice is the only court in the territory of Nunavut. The Court website provides information on the Court and access to its judgments.

Nunavut Legislation
The Nunavut Department of Justice makes Nunavut statutes and regulations available online.