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Real Estate Law & Industry Report
Offers information on issues in real estate law including legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments related to taxes, securities, and finance

Recent U.S. Court of Appeals Decisions
This site by Cornell Law School allows searching of federal circuit court opinions.

Research Guide to United States Treaties and International Agreements
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Residential Landlord and Tenant Laws
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Resources for First Year Law Students
This guide will introduce resources and services developed especially for first year law students.

Rhoades & Langer U.S. International Taxation & Tax Treaties
(Rhoades, Rufus von Thülen, Matthew Bender & Co. 1996)
This multi-volume text includes U.S. tax treaties and agreements, as well as annotations and analysis.

RIA Checkpoint - Tax
RIA Checkpoint for taxation provides primary tax documents and secondary analysis for federal, state, and local taxation, estate planning, pensions and benefits, international taxation, and payroll taxation. It is a valuable resource for tax and accounting professionals.

Right-To-Know Planning Guide Report
Provides information on federal and state right-to-know laws and regulations and offers a Right-to-Know Chart Builder that offers state-by-state comparisons

Ross-Blakley Law Library Blog
The John J. Ross-William C. Blakley Law Library serves the 600+ students, faculty, and staff of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, as well as members of the ASU community, the bar, and the public. We started this blog as a way to inform the College of Law community about key legal-education, research, practice, and law-library news, including but not limited to items of particular interest to Maricopa County and Arizona.