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Daily Environment Report
Provides coverage of United States and worldwide response to current environmental challenges

Daily Labor Report®
Covers labor legislation, court decisions, regulatory actions, administrative rulings, and collective bargaining news

Daily Report for Executives
Coverage on issues impacting business of leading legislative, regulatory, and judicial news from Washington DC, the states, and around the world

Daily Tax Report®
A source for news on key federal, state, and international legislative, regulatory, and judicial tax-related developments, including pensions and accounting; provides full text of key legislative, regulatory, and judicial documents

Decoding Legal Citations
A research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library at Arizona State University.

Delaware Law of Corporations and Business Organizations
Delaware Law of Corporations and Business Organizations is a looseleaf treatise is kept up to date by inserts. It covers all aspects of establishing and operating business organizations in Delaware.

Digital Discovery & e-Evidence™
Provides information on legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments related to digital discovery and e-evidence as well as practical tools and legal analysis
Information about government resources for individuals with disabilities.

Documents of American Indian Diplomacy: Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 1775-1979
Compiled by Vine Deloria and Raymond DeMallie. The collection supplements Kappler and includes treaties with states and foreign nations, intertribal compacts, and unratified treatiesAlso available as a NetLibrary e-book (on-campus or ASURITE).

Doing Business Law Library
This is a free online collection of business laws and regulations of many countries. This site is maintained by the World Bank.