Search Parameters: Subscription databases starting with 'N'

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NatLaw World
(4894Hits)  (Password required)
NatLaw World is a database maintained by the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade. It includes English translations of Mexican laws (primarily commercial, environmental, etc.), text of the Diario Oficial (in Spanish), articles of interest, an English/Spanish list of legal terms and phrases, and links to Latin American law and government sites.
Part of this database is free and part subscription based. ASU does not currently subscribe to this database.

North American Trade Agreements
(6072Hits)  (On-campus only)
NAFTA Online provides full-text versions of NAFTA, the full text of the US-Canada FTA, much of which is incorporated by reference into NAFTA, and complete texts of the Annexes and supplemental agreements. It is an Oceana Law database.