Search Parameters: Subscription databases starting with 'C'

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CCH IntelliConnect
(7146Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Access to the following libraries of official source documents, news, and analysis:
  • Securities
  • Exchanges and SROs
  • Corporate Governance
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • International Business
  • Banking
  • Antitrust and Trade Regulation
  • Products Liability and Safety
  • Government Contracts
  • Intellectual Property Computer & Internet Law
  • Federal Energy Guidelines
  • Transportation Law.

CCH Tax Research Network
(5813Hits)  (On-campus use. Remote access-ASU students & staff)
Access to the following libraries of official source documents, news, and analysis:
  • Federal tax
  • State tax
  • Financial and estate tax.