International Criminal Justice

SLN #: 13177
Course Prefix: LAW-791
Course Section: 022
Credit Hours: 3
Instructor(s): Williamson
Course Books: View List of Books

Course Description:
This course will be taught by a former U.S. Ambassador-at- Large for War Crimes Issues, who also served as a prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia and for the European Union. The course will examine the development of the field of international justice, the political and policy context in which transitional justice mechanisms are created and operate, and the record and jurisprudence of the various institutions established since the 1990’s when the modern era of international justice commenced. In addition to the classroom instruction and discussion, students will select a country or region that has confronted transitional justice challenges and will analyze whether the approaches employed to deliver justice have been successful and what alternative approaches, if any, might have produced better results.

Additional Information:
Credit Hours: 3
Grading Option: Letter Grade Only
Graduation Writing Requirement: Yes, With Instructor's Approval*
Flexible/Upper-Level Writing Requirement: Yes*
Skills Requirement: No
Simulation Course: No
Note: Only one of the above listed requirements can be fulfilled with this course.
Experiential Learning: No
Seminar: Yes
Special Withdrawal Course: No
Limited Enrollment Number: 15
Final Exam Given: No
Paper Or In-Class Presentation: Yes, Paper
Attendance Policy: Per Statement Of Student Policies
Teaching Method: Hybrid

* The law school has a policy that is used to calculate credit hours. Please see the Statement of Student Policies.