Requirement Courses for 2024 Fall

Note:  Note: An Upper-Level Writing Course may also be used to fulfill the Experiential Requirement if they are both listed below, but only one of the two required Upper-Level Writing courses can be combined with an Experiential Requirement to fulfill both requirements. If you began law school prior to Fall 2022 and still need to complete your mandatory Graduation Writing Requirement, please contact Student Services to find out which courses are available to fulfill this requirement.  Courses marked with * require instructor's approval.

Graduate Writing Requirement

Upper-Level Writing Requirement

ADR and Employment Law *
Adv Legal Writing; ADR Draftng
Adv Research; ILP - Appellate Advocacy
Appellate Advocacy
Arizona Criminal Law
Artificial Intelligence in Legal Operations and Innovation
Biotechnology; Science, Law & Policy
Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies; Law & Policy
Campaign Finance Law Seminar
Contract Drafting & Negotiating
Corporate and Business Law Journal *
Education & the Law
Federal Criminal Practice & Procedure
Impact of Race, Gender, and Class on the Law
Independent Study *
Indian Energy
Institutional Misconduct; Bad Actors, Enablers, and the Role of Lawyers
Jurimetrics Journal *
Law Journal *
Law Journal for Social Justice *
Law, Science & Technology *
Legislative Advocacy & the Law
Products Liability
Professional Sports Law *
Prosecuting Trademark Applications
Public Interest Litigation
Sex Crimes
Southwest Border Crimes
Sports & Entertainment Law Journal *
The Moral Leader
The State Attorneys General
Utility Law & Regulation
Victims in Criminal Procedure
Writing for Law Practice

Skills Requirement

Professional Development Courses

Creative Writing for Lawyers
Mindfulness and the Law
Persuasive Speech
Trauma and the Law

Experiential Learning Requirement

ADR and Employment Law
Adv Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Practice
Adv Legal Research
Adv Legal Writing; ADR Draftng
Appellate Advocacy
Applied Project; MSLB
Civil Litigation Clinic
Community Property
Contract Drafting & Negotiating
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Clinic
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Clinic Client Component
Federal Criminal Practice & Procedure
First Amendment Clinic
First Amendment Clinic Client Component
Gideon Fellowship
Immigration Clinic 
Immigration Clinic Client Component
Indian Legal Clinic
International Legal Research
Internship (Paid Externship)
Lisa Foundation Patent Law Clinic
Mediation Clinic 
Mergers and Acquisitions
Patent Licensing and Monetization
Post-Conviction Clinic
Post-Conviction Clinic Client Component
Prosecution Clinic
Prosecution Clinic Client Component
Public Defender Clinic
Public Defender Clinic Client Component
Software Intellectual Property Law and Agreements
Sports & Entertainment Law Journal
The Litigation Experience
Trial Advocacy 
Truman Young Fellowship
Workers' Compensation Law and Practice
Writing for Law Practice