Critical Race Theory

SLN #: 28428
Course Prefix: LAW-725
Course Section: 001
Credit Hours: 2
Instructor(s): Tsosie
Course Books: View List of Books

Course Description:
This seminar will focus on the idea of "race" as a social/political construct and examine the impact of American law on the construction of race. The seminar will provide the historical and legal background necessary to understand the significance of race within American law and policy. The seminar will then evaluate a number of legal frameworks that address issues of race and ethnicity in various contexts (e.g. segregation laws, civil rights law, federal Indian law, international human rights law). Throughout the seminar, we will assess various jurisprudential accounts evaluating the ethical and moral underpinnings of the law. Critical Race Theory is known as a jurisprudential framework that is often critical of standard liberal approaches. We will evaluate the critiques of liberalism and the scholarship of both liberal and critical theorists.

Additional Information:
Credit Hours: 2
Grading Option: Letter Grade Only
Written Assignment: Yes
Graduation Writing Requirement: Yes*
Flexible/Upper-Level Writing Requirement: Yes*
Skills Requirement: No
Simulation Course: No
Note: Only one of the above listed requirements can be fulfilled with this course.
Experiential Learning: No
Seminar: No
Special Withdrawal Course: No
Final Exam Given: No
Mid Term Or Other Exam: No
Paper Or In-Class Presentation: Yes
Participation Points: Yes
Attendance Policy: Per Statement Of Student Policies
Additional Attendance Policy: Yes - Maximum is 1 absences and no laptops are allowed

* The law school has a policy that is used to calculate credit hours. Please see the Statement of Student Policies.