Transnational Criminal Law and Policy

SLN #: 76123
Course Prefix: LAW-791
Course Section: 1020
Credit Hours: 2
Instructor(s): Hazim
Course Books: View List of Books

Course Description:
In our globalized world, a growing number of crimes transcend national boundaries and are perpetrated in a way that violates the laws of or affects more than one state. The objective of this seminar is to introduce students to transnational criminal law and policy as an emerging area of international law that governs and regulates trans-border criminal activities and global procedural mechanisms devised by the United Nations and member states to tackle the problem. This seminar will cover a wide range of topics related to transnational criminal law and policy including but not limited to a select number of transnational crimes (e.g.: corruption, terrorism, drug trafficking, cybercrime, and money laundering), questions of state jurisdiction, and forms of international legal cooperation (mutual legal assistance, extradition, asset recovery). Examples and case studies from national jurisdictions (particularly the United States) will be discussed.

Additional Information:
Credit Hours: 2
Grading Option: Pass/Fail Only
Graduation Writing Requirement: No
Flexible/Upper-Level Writing Requirement: Yes
Skills Requirement: No
Simulation Course: No
Experiential Learning: No
Seminar: No
Special Withdrawal Course: No
Limited Enrollment Number: 15
Final Exam Given: No
Paper Or In-Class Presentation: Paper
Attendance Policy: Per Statement Of Student Policies
Teaching Method: In Person

* The law school has a policy that is used to calculate credit hours. Please see the Statement of Student Policies.