Arizona Constitutional Law

SLN #: 11411
Course Prefix: LAW-658
Course Section: 001
Credit Hours: 3
Instructor(s): Bender
Course Books: View List of Books

Course Description:
This course discusses the basic provisions and general character of the Arizona Constitution, including the most important ways in which it is different from the United States Constitution and the constitutions of other states. The main topics are recall of elected public officials, Arizona's system of direct democracy, in which the people, rather than the elected Legislature, exercise ultimate legislative authority through the enactment of ballot initiatives and referenda, and Arizona individual constitutional rights that are different from, and/or broader than, rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. Whenever possible, class discussion will focus on recent and ongoing cases, issues and controversies.

There is no casebook for this course. The up-to- date text of the Arizona Constitution will be available in the Copy Center at the beginning of the semester. Judicial opinions applying and interpreting the Arizona Constitution and other relevant materials will be accessed through the internet.

Additional Information:
Credit Hours: 3
Grading Option: Pass/Fail Only
Written Assignment: No
Graduation Writing Requirement: No
Flexible/Upper-Level Writing Requirement: No
Skills Requirement: No
Simulation Course: No
Experiential Learning: No
Seminar: No
Special Withdrawal Course: No
Final Exam Given: Yes
Final Exam Type: In-Class - Completely Unsecure
Mid Term Or Other Exam: No
Paper Or In-Class Presentation: No
Participation Points: No
Attendance Policy: Per Statement Of Student Policies
Teaching Method: Remotely

* The law school has a policy that is used to calculate credit hours. Please see the Statement of Student Policies.