Semester: 2024 Fall (Begins: 8/19/2024, Ends: 11/26/2024) (paid link)No.CourseNameSectSLN#ProfessorAuthorTitleISBN#Req?
Paid Link1LAW-519 Legal Method & Writing101468258LangenfeldTamara S. Herrera Arizona Legal Research (4th Edition) 9781531020736Yes
Paid Link2     Bouchoux Aspen Handbook For Legal Writers : A Practical Reference (5th Ed. )
Note: Students may choose any edition. There is no need for students to pay more for the edition that comes with the connected quizzing.
Paid Link3     Columbia Law Review The Bluebook (21st)
Note: Students should already have this book. Harvard Law Review Association
 4      Course Book on Canvas
Note: Provided by Instructor on Canvas

Duplicate materials are available in the College of Law Copy Center.