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U.S. General Services Administration.

Find a lawyer or browse legal information by topic. Click on the "For Legal Professionals" tab for more research options, including free federal and state cases, federal statutes and regulations, and links to other free sites.

FindLaw for the Public
Browse legal information organized into areas of the law that people commonly encounter.

Google Scholar
Enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web

Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a growing ‘Internet library,’ with the purpose of offering permanent access to historical collections that exist in digital format. The Archive’s Wayback Machine allows people to visit archived versions of stored Web sites. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can type in a URL, select a date range, and retrieve an archived version of the Web.
Legal information on numerous legal topics, including free cases, codes, regulations, legal articles, legal blog databases, federal filings, and regulations tracker. Includes all U.S. Supreme Court opinions, U.S. Court of Appeals opinions since 1950, and U.S. District Court opinions since 2004, as well as links to many other free resources.

LexisONE Legal Web Site Directory
Links to law-related websites organized by category.

lexisONE/Lexis Community
lexisONE, renamed the Lexis Community, is a service designed for individuals or small law firms, with flexible packages including daily, weekly, and monthly LexisNexis and Shepards access, as well as an option to "search for free, pay for what you retrieve." It also has many free resources, including free U.S. Supreme Court cases from 1781 to present, State and Federal cases from the last five years, free legal forms, and a directory of law-related websites. This resource now requires registration and users are prompted when they try to retrieve “for pay” items.

PMC (PubMed Central)
PMC is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine. The archive is related to PubMed, but where PubMed contains citations and abstracts, PMC contains full-text articles. Content in PMC can be browsed by journal title, volume and issue, and the archive has both basic and advanced search functions.

Public Library of Law
PLoL sponsored by Fastcase is a great free source for finding cases and other legal materials. It has cases from the U.S. Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals; cases from all 50 states back to 1997; and links to federal and state statutes, regulations, court rules, and constitutions.
(2350Hits) is a search engine for authoritative U.S. government science information. The website searches over 50 scientific databases and an index of over 2,100 federal agency websites, with content consisting of scientific or technical data, publications, databases, and documentation. The databases and websites searched have been selected by information managers and librarians from 17 government science organizations and 13 federal agencies.

SciTech Connect
SciTech Connect is a database produced by the Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI). The database provides access to scientific and technical materials including conference papers, journal articles, books, dissertations, and patents in such fields as chemistry, physics, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, renewable energy, and computer science. SciTech Connect has both basic and advanced search options, and allows materials to be browsed by topic.

Washlaw Web
This site is maintained by Washburn University Law Library.