Indian Legal Clinic

SLN #: 76148
Course Prefix: LAW-776
Course Section: 001
Credit Hours: 6
Instructor(s): Ferguson-Bohnee
Course Books: View List of Books

Course Description:
The Indian Legal Clinic provides students with the opportunity to work under the supervision of an experienced faculty supervisor to gain practical experience (1) working on real cases involving issues of tribal law and federal Indian law, and (2) representing real clients in tribal, state, and federal court, as well as in administrative proceedings. The Clinic’s practice is broad: students will have the opportunity to work on civil and criminal cases, and also do policy and transactional work. Clinic students handle all aspects of law practice, including time-keeping; client interviewing and counseling; drafting pleadings, motions, briefs, opinion letters and contracts; appearing in court; conducting discovery; and conducting trials, mediations, and arbitrations. There is also an advanced seminar component of the Clinic based on simulation exercises designed to help students develop trial skills including advanced interviewing, fact investigation, case theory development, client counseling, discovery, negotiation, ADR, and courtroom advocacy. Clinic students participate in weekly staff meetings to discuss pending cases and potential new cases. Attendance at seminars and staff meetings is mandatory. Students are expected to complete 20 hours of Clinic work per week which includes client work, seminar work, and Clinic meetings. Student-attorneys are also required to attend weekly staff meetings. Students will be required to attend trainings outside of regularly-scheduled class throughout the semester. The Clinic is a graded 6-credit course with no pass/fail option available. Enrollment is limited to 5 students and Federal Indian Law I and Evidence are co-requisites--these courses can be taken before enrollment in the Clinic or at the same time. Students are encouraged to take Evidence prior to enrolling in the Indian Legal Clinic. The Indian Legal Clinic is required for students participating in the Indian Law Certificate program. This course fulfills the professional skills requirement for graduation.

NOTE: Please see the Clinical Program website for more details as well as the application.

Additional Information:
Credit Hours: 6
Grading Option: Letter Grade Only
Graduation Writing Requirement: No
Flexible/Upper-Level Writing Requirement: No
Skills Requirement: Yes
Simulation Course: No
Experiential Learning: No
Seminar: No
Prerequisite: Federal Indian Law is a corequisite; Evidence is a corequisite
Special Withdrawal Course: Yes. Because of administrative considerations and professional obligations to courts and clients, no student pre-registered for a clinical offering shall be allowed to drop the clinic later than one month preceding the first day of classes, or to add the clinic, unless approval is obtained from the Director of the Clinical Program.
Limited Enrollment Number: 5
Final Exam Given: No
Attendance Policy: Per Statement Of Student Policies
Additional Attendance Policy: Attendance required at all seminars and staffings

* The law school has a policy that is used to calculate credit hours. Please see the Statement of Student Policies.